About us

About us

In AIDC, automatic identification and data collection of hardware and software, we design and provide technical information industry leading performance and efficiency of the solutions.More than 30 years, xin information has spared no effort in technology innovation, the development of leading industry products such as industrial mobile data terminals, cable and wireless barcode scanner, stationary data terminal and the software solutions and so on.We have pleasure in information technology的产品改善运输物流业、医疗业、制造业、零售业、仓储业及公共事业的客户与员工的日常作业,协助我们的客户提高营运绩效以及获得更高的投资报酬。

Our success is built on to customers, business partners, employees and investors from the heart of respect.We have pleasure in information technology的企业文化提倡企业家精神及实务,持续的创新与提供更好的解决方案。我们极重视良好的客户伙伴关系,同时仰赖跨国与跨领域团队,以提供最佳质量与价值的尖端产品与服务。

As a part of citizens of the world, xin technology information to acknowledge the importance of environmental and social responsibility together, the proposed solution, has been all over the world to assist enterprises to save energy, time and money.